Thursday, January 19, 2006


I hate coming up with titles for stuff - papers, articles, blog postings, subjects for emails. I guess I ain't that creative.

Nothing much going on in the kingdom. A few friends from Lexington/Wilmore came up to visit last week. We went to CSO and saw an amazing performance of Piano Concerto for Left Hand in D Minor by Ravel. The pianist's name was Pierre-Laurent Aimard, and I have a serious man-crush on him.

My last semester of coursework at HUC starts in five days. It's quite a weird feeling; about four months from now, I will never have to sit through another lecture or do anymore homework. I'm taking a class on Ezekiel, a language class on Old Babylonian letters, and a readings course and Biblical Law and Legal Theory. I need a fourth class - gotta find one by Tuesday.

I've been doing alot of reading lately - a little over 2000 pages thus far in the month. Allow me to make some recommendations:

R. Whybray The Making of the Pentateuch - a nice review of various theories of the composition of the Pentateuch, with a good critique of the documentary hypothesis.

F. V. Greifenhagen - Egypt on the Pentateuch's Ideological Map - interesting method. Looks at the ideological elements behind the use of Egypt in the Pentateuch, and considers their origins.

W. Iser The Act of Reading - yes, a book about reading. Highly worth the read...

In the next few weeks, hoping to find some time for Stanley Fish Is There a Text in This Class?

And yes, I know, you don't need to remind me. I am a massive geek.