Friday, October 28, 2005

The definition of evil...

And so, while we've been paying almost $3/gallon for gas...(can you imagine working for minimum wage? A tank of gas would be an entire shift of pay....), and our airline infrastructure has been falling apart, Exxon and Shell are proud to report record profits - link. Shell had profits of 7.4 billion dollars; Exxon had 9.9 billion, in the last QUARTER! That's in three months! But poor Chevron, they only had an increase of 12% in the last quarter to 3.59 billion.
Here's what Shell's CFO had to say: "We are capturing the benefits of high oil and gas prices and refining margins" Chief Financial Officer Peter Voser. Reports that Exxon executives are using $100 bills to wipe their butts have not been confirmed yet.

What can be said...sometimes life in a capitalist society is great. Times like this, it comes, bites you in the ass, and makes you pay $50 to fill up your car. Yay capitalism...

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Well, no pictures to show...but we had a lovely day at DG and Tiffany's. The males watched some college football on HDTV, the women had a nice day of Santa's Workshop...and we ate and ate and ate...

Some beautiful pumpkins were carved...Uh, you'll just have to visualize...

Apparently the World Series started today - White Sox vs. Astros. I absolutely do not care. And for those of you who rooted for the Cubs in 03 and are now on the Sox bandwagon - for shame...for shame...

Monday, October 03, 2005

A dedication...

I would like to officially dedicate this article to all of my past/present/future classmates who love to hear themselves speak - link.
(And yes, I am aware that the article has bad words in it....Sorry if this offends you. And uh...yeah, I was really offended by it too....The moral laxity in this society is atrocious).

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Oh no!!!!

Some bad news in the kingdom of Choi...
Our beloved digital camera suffered some critical injuries, and has gone to a far better place. Actually, it broke down due to an apparently quite common problem for Canon digital cameras (the point-and-shoots, not the dSLR's) - check this out for more info, if you are so inclined. Online, there were some home-made fix-it suggestions, but most of them amounted to "twist the lens around until it pops back into place..." Right...
And so, this is where we find ourselves in.

More bad news...the WhiteSox clinched the AL Central and home-field-advantage for the playoffs. When the Cubs got eliminated a few weeks ago, I dealt with it - too many injuries, shaky bullpen, Dusty losing the team, yada yada yada. But now that the Sox are in, especially after their oh-so-tantalizing, epic-proportion near collapse...well, this season has officially gone into the toilet. Ozzie Guillen might as well just kick me in the groin now.
The October page of my 2005 Cubs calendar has a picture of Kerry Wood. I think this may be the only way of seeing him pitch in October. Oh the bitter irony!

More bad news...still trying to get over the Bears' loss to the Bengals last Sunday. All of the pains of being a Bears fan, in one magnificent sentence - link.