Sunday, July 10, 2005

At the hotel


View from dinner

grrrrrrr - looking manly in my bubble bath

Italian restaurant

Chichen Itza

Raise the roof with the Mayans

Shooting a Corona commercial  Posted by Picasa

Some pics from the honeymoon.... Posted by Picasa

As promised...some pictures from the wedding, just to prove that it was all real

Me - in the middle. Best man Scott - white. Groomsmen Matthew - Asian

hahahahaha I am so happy

The Kim Family

All those crazy Chois

Traditional Korean Ceremony (I almost spelled it Koran)

glug glug glug


Oh those crazy Chois

Oh those sensible Kims

the cake was good - banana, fresh strawberries and vanilla cream

dance with the in-laws part 1

In law dance, part 2

"Did you just step on my toe?"

Always will be daddy's little girl... Posted by Picasa