So I'm a student at HUC...and there's been a rash of minor crime in the neighborhood around school (no worries; I'm only there during the day) - mostly theft and stuff like that, typical urban neighborhood business. Anyhow, the school got some extra security, and they have their patrol car out on the main campus drive to provide a "visible presence." Their car of choice? Just imagine a set of flashing lights on this bad boy:

(sorry, no original pic available...yet).
On a totally different, but related thought, a dream that Sylvia and I have is to move to Europe one of these days, where we could get our speeding tickets from gentlemen driving this:

Or something like this?

Keep hope alive...

(sorry, no original pic available...yet).
On a totally different, but related thought, a dream that Sylvia and I have is to move to Europe one of these days, where we could get our speeding tickets from gentlemen driving this:

Or something like this?

Keep hope alive...
man getting a ticket from that car might be worth it! heh
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